Soothing, Balancing & Relaxing

Lemongrass  is believed to strengthen the mind by relieving anxiety and boosting self-esteem, confidence, and hope. Its sedative effect on the mind relieves tension and promotes the sensation of being calm.

Helps Aid:

stress anxiety depression heart rate Insomnia

Soothing, Balancing, Stimulating & Energizing

Lemon is a rejuvenating, clean-smelling essential oil, commonly used to enhance concentration and energy. It has a mood-elevating, cooling, and revitalizing effect that can produce a calming effect that can subdue negative moods.

Helps Aid:

headache anxiety energy focus mood

Calming, Balancing, Soothing & Relaxing

Lavender is a mild sedative is that can reduce stress by relaxing the brain waves,  also said to reduce cortisol levels that contribute to the stress hormone. Believed to help balance hormones & reduce feelings of nervous tension.

Helps Aid:

depression anxiety stress headaches insomnia fatigue

Relaxing, Refreshing, & Rejuvenating

Eucalyptus is known to relieve mental exhaustion by boosting circulation to the brain and stimulating the mind out of sluggishness.  It helps to rejuvenate the spirit, sooth nervous tension, and clear the mind.

Helps Aid:

fatigue breathing focus mood headaches concentration

Sweet Orange:
Soothing, Uplifting, Calming &  Refreshing

Sweet Orange is believed to enhance cognitive function, thus making it easier to recall memories, boosting motivation and clarity. The benefits are known to not only create a warm environment but to also stimulate the strength and resilience of the immune system

Helps Aid:

anxiety sadness anger frustration mood depression sex drive

Clove Bud:
Soothing, Stimulating, Rejuvenating & Energizing

Clove bud has a warming, stimulating scent, said to be an aphrodisiac and help manage anxious energy. Promotes mental energy, enhances concentration and boost focus

Helps Aid:

anxiety concentration focus energy  sex drive

Balancing, Stimulating & Refreshing

Rosemary helps reduce stress levels and nervous tension, boost mental activity, encourage clarity and insight, relieve fatigue, and support respiratory function. It is used to improve alertness, eliminate negative moods, and increase the retention of information by enhancing concentration. 

Helps Aid:

stress fatigue ♥ alertness mood  concentration tension

Energizing, Relaxing & Refreshing

Peppermint is believed to stimulate circulation, reduce feelings of nervous tension, soothe feelings of irritability, boost energy, balance hormones, and enhance mental focus. 

Helps Aid:

nausea weight loss  focus energy  irritability tension memory

Black Pepper:
Grounding, Relaxing & Soothing

Black Pepper helps to increase courage, integrity, motivation, and self-awareness.  It might be helpful for those with repressed emotions. It helps calm you down by soothing your nerves and relaxing your muscles, restore balance to your emotions and can improve your mood.

Helps Aid:

anxiety stress  emotions mood  fatigue ♥ motivation memory

Vanilla Oleoresin:
Calming, Uplifting & Stimulating

Vanilla can trigger happy memories, use vanilla to promote feelings of relaxation and prevent tension. It produces a tranquilizing effect through its soft and rich fragrance, used to relax  the body. Helps to aid a peaceful and calm sleep, lower blood pressure and relieve stress.

Helps Aid:

sleep  stress irritability mood  depression tension

Palo Santo:
Grounding, Calming & Tranquil

Palo Santo is believed to clear negative energy and restore calm emotions. Nurturing and transformative, It has mild sedative properties making it excellent before bedtime and after a stressful days.

Helps Aid:

sleep  stress emotions   meditation unconditional love mood

Balancing, Energizing & Harmony

Nutmeg can be a very stimulating and helpful in supporting motivation and focus. It lifts away exhaustion while improving concentration and memory. It brings overall balance and acts as a aphrodisiac for both physical and sexual energy

Helps Aid:

exhaustion tension sleep memory  concentration sex drive